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Computers S​.​P​.​A. by Maurizio Bianchi

Computers S​.​P​.​A. by Maurizio Bianchi

After the "concretistic" beginnings and the synthesis between integral concretism and artificial synthetism, in the autumn After the "concretistic" beginnings and the synthesis between integral concretism and artificial synthetism, in the autumn of 1980 I arrived at the synthetic court of the purest and most uncompromising electronics and thus the "COMPUTERS S. P. A." project was born, consisting of two improvisations on the Korg MS synthesizer-20, free of ancestral prejudice and freely inspired by computerized music that in the second half of the 70s was gaining ground in the academic schools of experimentation. After more than 40 years, these "technical rehearsals" could seem a playful and carefree exercise, while inste@d they cover a dramatic denunciation of the sounds generated without the basic help of emotion and spontaneity, essential elements of the most genuine and constructive avantgarde music.

(M.B., September 2022)

Special mention about the collage art design method in collaboration with Maurizio Bianchi, Siegmar Fricke and myself. A combination of traditional technique of collage, 'xeroxed copy' scan and digital treatment in 'Off-set' quality print. Taken original ideas from early 80's 'mailing trade' music on cassette format.

(Alonso Urbanos, January 2023)

Special vinyl edition of the legendary cassette, privately produced and

released by Maurizio Bianchi in November 1980.

The undisputed father of nuclearsurgic sound-degeneration and apocalyptic avantgarde produced one of his most radical and uncompromising works entitled COMPUTERS S.P.A., consisting of dense electronic segments, furious pulsations and harsh waveforms, formed by the KORG MS 20-synthesizer plus machinistic recordings from tape.

Maurizio Bianchi describes his early works as TECHNOISE SOUND coming from; strictly personal feeling, frustration and contradiction.

COMPUTERS S.P.A. is ; completely idiosyncratic piece of music, conceived with dramatic insistence, emotion;

irrationality, hysterical scission, schizophrenic energy and madness.

The two improvisations inspired by computerized music can be defined as FINAL INDUSTRIAL MUSIC (term used by M.B.), the last sensation before the end.

(Pharmakustik for Verlag System, November 2022) 

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