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Karamelien - Living With The Moon

Karamelien - Living With The Moon

UK indiepop duo Karamelien presents their new single 'Living With The Moon', the title track from their forthcoming album by the same name. An energetic, upbeat, guitar-driven track that celebrates the rewarding path of learning to live with mental health challenges, accepting them, and feeling the freedom of just ‘going with the flow.

A poignant but cheeky track, it is wistful while also being full of a f*ck-you attitude. It’s about finding triumph through adversity. But most of all, it’s a great singalong indie pop anthem with a hook that may invade your brain and stay there for days.

Based in East Grinstead, Karamelien is singer-songwriter Léanie Kaleido and guitarist Mark Foster - two long-time friends, whose music has forged an even stronger bond between them.
"I wrote this song after a year of counselling for depression and anxiety, linked to menopause and not helped by Covid-enforced inactivity and unease. On our final session, my amazing counsellor Jude, who I have kept in touch with, described the acceptance of good and bad days as ‘like living with the moon’.  I told her that would make a great song title and promised her I’d write it – and I did!" says Léanie Kaleido.
“So, the lyrics are a thank you to myself for getting the help I needed at the time, a finger to the armchair critics and the toxic people who didn’t help, and a willing surrender to the lunar power over us all. It’s about the feeling of freedom you get when you stop worrying so much about what everyone else thinks and learn to accept your weaknesses and discover your hidden strengths.”

Earlier, the duo released the single 'Wait For Me' featuring piano, mixing and production by Chris Mars (A Flock of Seagulls, Damian Wilson) and two tracks produced by RIDE's Mark Gardener at OX4 Sound Studio - 'Lionhearts' and the epic 'Ascension Heights', which features a guitar sample from Léanie's late father Top Topham (original founding guitarist of The Yardbirds). This particular song also features bassist Mo Pleasure (Earth, Wind & Fire, Michael Jackson) and involved Paul Statham (Dido, Simple Minds, Kylie Minogue).

As of September 1, the 'Living With The Moon' single will be available on Spotify, Apple Music and Bandcamp. The full album will be released on October 27 and can already be pre-ordered on Bandcamp.

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