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Lightower - Moonbath

Lightower - Moonbath

Davide Tiso is the creative force behind Lightower, an artist known for his boundary-pushing ap-proach to music. Born in Italy and now residing in Northern California, Tiso first made his mark with Ephel Duath, a band that entered the scene in 1998 and, over the course of 15 years, earned a reputation as "jazz-heavy, avant-garde, prog-metal experimentalists."

Tiso’s distinctive guitar work - visceral and uniquely expressive - has evolved through a prolific se-ries of albums and projects. He has collaborated with notable musicians in bands like Manuscripts Don’t Burn, Gospel of the Witches, and Howling Sycamore. His latest venture, Red Rot, is an ex-treme metal band he formed with longtime Ephel Duath vocalist Luciano Lorusso George.

With each project, Tiso’s guitar style has become more layered and orchestral, incorporating an ever-expanding palette of tones, sounds, and textures. His experimentation with electronic music began with Manuscripts Don’t Burn, where he programmed drums, and extended into composing synths alongside his guitar work in Gospel of the Witches and Red Rot.

L I G H T O W E R marks Tiso’s first solo venture into purely electronic music, continuing his tradi-tion of challenging musical norms. The project blends elements of electronic, ambient, and sound-track-like compositions, often paired with videos Tiso creates to transport listeners into dreamlike realms of space, time, and memory. Drawing inspiration from both natural landscapes and the hid-den terrains of the mind and soul, L I G H T O W E R crafts atmospheric, liminal soundscapes. These tracks, built solely with drum machines and vintage-sounding digital synths, carry Tiso’s sig-nature storytelling style into new sonic territory.

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