Craig Padilla is a US electronic musician initially inspired by Berlin School pioneers such as Klaus Schulze and Tangerine Dream, as well as the melodic compositions of Vangelis and the atmospheric space music of Steve Roach. Developing a distinctive, organic sound that bridges the worlds of analog, digital and modular synth music, he has issued forty albums since debuting in 1996 that span from trance and space music to new age and more. His diverse and impressive catalogue offers something for all electronic music lovers, while his work with guitarist Marvin Allen - which veers into Pink Floyd territory as well as the guitar based recordings of Tangerine Dream founder Edgar Froese - has also been widely admired.
‘The Pulse of Life’ consists of five tracks of hand and ear played modular sequencer music performed on the Mattson Modular synthesizer. The sound of the past mixed with the shadows of the new, the album is wrapped up in analog beauty.