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V.A. - This is Zologo Beat

V.A. - This is Zologo Beat. The Experiment

This is the music being played on the cell phones, car speakers and sound systems in and around Bongo and Bolgatanga, the main city and capital of Ghana’s Upper East region. This is the mix of local rhythms and melodies played on traditional instruments mixed with producer Francis Ayamga’s Fruity Loops-sampling madness and Cubase-programmed electro beats with on top of it all the words, rhymes, vocals and stories of the young people hanging around the Top Link studio waiting for an opportunity to throw down their voice on a fresh made track.

You'll find the studio just of the road from Bolgatanga to Bongo. Youngsters are driving their motorbikes up and down the dirt track, kids are gathering near the entrance as soon as they see a local rapper nearing the regional musical hotspot. On a wooden bench outside against the wall, strategically placed in the shade, musicians and vocalists are rehearsing their lines while reading their words from their cellphones. 

The main language on this album is Fare Fare, the regional language in Ghana’s Upper East region. ‘Zologo’ means ‘crazy’ in Fare Fare (also known as Frafra). All tracks recorded, mixed and produced by Francis Ayamga at Top Link studio in Bongo, Ghana. All beats, synths and bleeps by Francis Ayamga. Track 4 - kologo by Prince Buju, track 10 - sinyaka by Dondada. Mastering by Arnold de Boer, Amsterdam, NL. Pictures by Francis Ayamga, artwork by Arnold de Boer.

From Arnold de Boer, Amsterdam 2023

After releaseing two compilations of music from Ghana's Upper East region; the This is Kologo Power sampler (MR16) filled with acoustic kologo music from the main kologo stars of today, and the This is Frafra Power album (MR24) bringing the world the modern beat driven hiplife, gospel and rap from the local scenes, we are now back with ten productions fresh from the Top Link studio that define what one of Ghana's most intruiging producers himself calls Zɔlogɔ Beat. Ayamga, the singers, rappers and musicians together all take the freedom of writing and producing their music standing with one foot in the traditional rhythms and scales of the Fare Fare tribe while leaping into the unknown twisting synths and samplers completely to their own liking. I have visited the place many times, spent many nights and days hanging out with Ayamga and all the musicians around him and it is all super inspiring. With this selection I have tried to catch that spirit; fierce, energetic, joyfully obstinate, wonderfully bonkers.

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