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Mike Gale - Old Man In The Universe

Mike Gale - Old Man In The Universe

British folk-pop artist Mike Gale presents 'Old Man In The Universe', the latest offering from stunning new album 'Thanks for Always Waving'. With 11 tracks on offer, this is a rich and thoughtful collection of world- and folk-inspired indie pop, mastered by Todd Tobias (Guided By Voices, Circus Devils).

With his feel-good brand of folk-inspired indie pop and penchant for generating catchy melodies and harmonies, this is Gale's 20th album in 20 years and the twelfth album released under his own name (he Initially performed under the names Co-Pilgrim and Black Nielson).

Mike Gale explains, "Old Man In The Universe' was one of those very rare songs that came out fully formed when I was writing it, lyrics and all. It's about getting to a certain point in life and realising that most of the dreams that you had for yourself when you were a bit younger aren't going to come true, but not to be too downhearted about that and to recognise the good things that did happen."

Remaining true to his DIY roots, Gale produced, recorded and mixed this album at his home studio. He earlier presented the singles 'Grumble Pie' and 'Summer Be Gone', along with a calming video featuring the artist Kimvi, filmed in Suzhou, China by Matt Wallwork.

"'Thanks for Always Waving' is my 20th album. I wanted to go back to basics a bit with this one - simple pop songs with a stripped down gentle feel. I was very inspired by one of my favourite bands' (Tall Dwarfs) use of homemade percussion for rhythm, and the idea that you don't need a traditional drum sound to make a song groove. Lyrically, the album is mostly about trying to keep a positive outlook and being generally grateful for what you have despite the world seeming like a  terrible place most of the time," says Mike Gale.

"The title of the album comes from my love of a YouTube channel called 'Solo Travel Japan', which is basically a guy taking overnight ferry trips to the many Japanese islands. One of the things he says as he leaves port is "Thanks for Always Waving" and it stuck."

A multi-instrumentalist, Gale has been singing for as long as he can remember. But it wasn't until he was around 20 that he formally began playing the guitar and writing music, initiallyy influenced by The Lemonheads. Born in Southampton, Mike Gale spent a good chunk of his childhood in North Devon and then Oxford, New York and Melbourne before returning home to settle on his beloved south coast of England.

With Gale taking melodic and percussive cues from influences such as Tall Dwarfs, Pavement and The Clean, 'Thanks for Always Waving' is ultimately one of his most pop-oriented albums to date, filled with mellow bongo beats and gentle washes of wavey organs.

The 'Thanks For Always Waving' album is out now and available from fine digital platforms, including Spotify, Apple Music and Bandcamp, .

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