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Cristiano Varisco - Aline

Cristiano Varisco - Aline

Aline, the debut album by Cristiano Varisco, celebrates it's 10-year anniversary with a reissue via OOB Records.

Aline (2013) is the first solo incursion of composer and musician Cristiano Varisco. It is one of the most welcomed novelties from contemporary Brazilian musical scene. Unweaving his musical pieces, the album portraits a recent rupture in Varisco’s existence, that is: the division of his life, between the futile standards of the metropolis, and the inspiring life in the countryside. The sonorities you’ll find in Aline reflect the come and goes of the guitarist, whose daily life is shared between bucolic country ways and the polluted streets and avenues of Porto Alegre. In its 50 minutes, the album travels between styles, sometimes unusual, sometimes traditional: folk, psychedelic, classic, rock, and blues, among other sonorities.

You can also find here traditional blues – poisoned, we can say, by a telluric intonation. One of the top-of-the-cherry features that permeate the album, is the delicious collection of vignettes, noises, random sounds, and hot progressive-based jams – sometime meditative, sometimes contemplative. In Aline, there are 16 compositions inclined strongly towards a singular musical gift – rock fusion, as we can say - all signed by Varisco. In its digital grooves, Aline brings new recordings, new versions of old Varisco’s songs, and even more, it reveals signifying influences that Cristiano has incorporated to his work during 20 years of career. You can also find here traditional blues – poisoned, we can say, by a telluric intonation.

Cristiano Varisco, in addition to lead guitarist, is a graduate in journalism and graduate in music from the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. He is, also, a professor of music in public schools, and a music producer and journalist.

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