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Philamelian | Elif Yalvaç - Sediments

Philamelian | Elif Yalvaç - Sediments

Elif Yalvaç (electronics) and Philamelian (piano) have united their forces for a contemporary classical project with experimental and ambient influences. The duo began this by exchanging ideas and work on music in 2021, which were followed by improvisational sessions in Philamelian’s studio. The project involves live electronics processing of contemporary piano performance with an ambient and progressive focus.

Both artists come from different backgrounds, yet with intersections including the experimental approaches in progressive rock, ambient music, as well as early pioneers of electronic music with a contemporary focus.

The duo explores intensity as well as sparseness, and experimental glitches, together with a progressive influenced piano performance. Both artists share a history of being born and raised in Turkey, and now living in the UK, which add to their wide range of sources of influences, not only in terms of music and genres but also the landscape and sentiments.

Based on piano performance (Philamelian) and live piano processing and electronics (Elif Yalvaç), Sediments combines elements of improvisation by giving breathing space to one another, and to the sounds being generated in real time with human performance - at times with a call&response approach - alongside processing and live electronics.

Launch Concert

31/01/2025 / Heart of Noise Cambridge #8 / Cambridge Junction

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