How can we distinguish the popular sorts of Crassules: Crassula Hobbit, Crassula Coral, Crassula Gollum by the shape of the leaves
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Among the florist-lovers of succulents you can often hear the questions about the difference between money plant Crassula Hobbit and Gollum; how Coral differs from Gollum, what plant do I have, Gollum or Coral? In our article we consider these three popular sorts of Crassules.
What are the monstrous jade plant Crassules: Hobbit, Coral, Gollum distinguished by? What shape of leaves does each sort have?
All the monstrous sorts of Crassules are distinguished by the shape of leaves. Unskilled beginner in plant-growing has difficulties in making out the differences, but there are some of them. By mistake most people confirm that these three popular sorts are distinguished by the color of leaves, the thickness of trunk and leaves, but it’s not true. All these features are formed regardless of sort. Firstly they depend on right care:
- watering (the frequency of watering and the quality of water);
- lightning;
- temperature regime;
- fertilizers;
- suitable size of pot.
So, what is the difference?
We consider each sort of Crassula in detail.
Money plant Crassula ovata Gollum
Crassula ovata Gollum is a hybrid plant which was bred from Jade Crassula Ovata hypothetically in 1970 in the USA. Gollum has an original oblong shape of leaves, which are rolled into pipe and which are widen like a funnel at the edge (sometimes these leaves are called “Shrek’s Ears”). The plant is remarkable for compactness and middle speed of growth. Gollum is perfect for forming in Bonsai style.
Jade plant Crassula ovata Coral
Crassula ovata Coral, which is also called Skinny Fingers, has oblong leaves, mainly in the shape of cone at the edges. Most leaves become narrow to the edge and have edges in the shape of funnel. But despite it in the same jade plant Crassula there are leaves which resemble the leaves of Crassula Gollum and this fact gives reason to take Coral for Gollum. Crassula Coral has nice branches and increase trunk well, if it is cared well. The abundance of thin long leaves, which are narrow at the edges, and large number of lateral shoots allow to form fluffy and splendid crown.
Jade Tree Crassula ovata Hobbit
Crassula ovata Hobbit is the second hybrid plant of monstrous Crassules, which looks like Crassula Gollum. Crassula Hobbit is remarkable for unique shape of leaves which look like turned out and accrete from the bottom to the middle – so called nosepieces. Crassula Hobbit has wider leaves and more “ears” in comparison with Gollum and Coral if it is right cared. Also Crassula Hobbit has shorter leaves and they are located more compactly than the leaves of its “fellows”: Gollum and Coral. Crassula Hobbit has trunk which becomes thick and it makes this plant a good material for forming of jade plant Crassula in Bonsai style.
What fertilizer is the best for Crassula Gollum, Crassula Coral, Crassula Hobbit? Which fertilizer you should use?
If you want that leaves of monstrous Crassules have right sort shape you should use the fertilizer for cactuses and succulents, in the contents of which there is mainly potassium.
What amount of fertilizer and how often you should fertilize?
The dose of fertilizer for Crassula depends on the amount of nitrogen in it and the frequency of fertilizing and nutritional value of soil. If the nitrogen content equals 5, the dose of fertilizing should be from 0.5 to 1.5 ml. for 1litre of water at each watering, at the condition that the soil is impoverished. The smaller dose you put into, the thinner leaves and trunk and better color of Crassula you have. And on the contrary: the more fertilizer you put into, the thicker leaves and trunk you have, and the leaves will be with minimum coloring (red and yellow will be slight marked).