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An Moku & Stefan Schmidt - Raum im Raum

An Moku & Stefan Schmidt - Raum im Raum

the third and closing chapter of the „raum“ trilogy by an moku and stefan schmidt – „raum im raum“ serves finely crafted ambient / soundscapes, and is the most intense and darkest album of the series.

as written in the previous infosheets, the „raum“-trilogy (named after and inspired by a sentence from david foster wallace’s unconventional bestseller novel “infinite jest”) is a child of the recent pandemic: when public life more or less came to a hold, dominik grenzler aka an moku, a sound artist and bass player based in zurich, contacted stefan schmidt (guitarist, composer and improviser from baden-baden) with the idea of collaborating. It turned out a fruitful idea and within just a couple of weeks they not only managed to craft “raum” but indeed had so many ideas that it was impossible to put them all in just one album, a trilogy was the logical consequence. this series now sees its 3rd and final part with „raum im raum“, maybe the most intense and darkest chapter of the trilogy that deals with the abstraction of a possible space within a possible space.
grenzler and schmidt continue their adventurous sonic trip into abstract voids, crafted by finely processed sounds of different origins like synthesizer or fretless guitar, field recordings and a vast array of electronic equipment – like they did before, but without simpy re-cooking the approved recipe, instead adding new spices like a saz or kalimba (schmidt being a vituoso on many stringed instruments).
the atmosphere is dark and alien, with references to hauntology and musique concrète, and yet organic, and rich of details.

„..soon, i loose the ability to distinguish between the two kinds of darkness. i can no longer tell if my eyes are open or closed. but as my eyes became used to the darkness, though, i began to pick out slight differences...“ - h. murakami


dominik grenzler (born 1977) is a sound artist and bass guitar player with a spot for experimental and ambient soundscapes. In 2008, after years of playing e-bass in several bands or being hired for concert tours, he began with the initial recording sessions for an moku. the literal translation of the japanese word “anmoku” is “tacit, unsaid, implicit” conveying that an idea or thought cannot be put into words but is subconsciously understood. inspired and animated, with this approach, dominik’s abstract, cinematic music gives the listener room for imagination and interpretation. his approach to ambient is highly personal, as he manages to generate tension with a hidden musicality, drowned in a miasma of organic, yet manipulated sounds. dominik’s primary interests lie in simplicity, repetition and the relationship between sound and art.
privately, dominik grenzler lives and works in his adopted hometown of zurich where he co-owns a café with an artisan cake bakery section.

stefan schmidt (born 1974) is a guitarist, composer, improviser and teacher. he gathered his first musical experiences as a member of various punk bands and later studied classical guitar at the hochschule für musik trossingen with professor andreas higi and at the conservatorio juan josé castro in buenos aires with victor villadangos.
while early projects (e.g. farang) and several collaborations put focus on distorted sounds and rhythms, recent works center on slowly evolving structures, sound design and free improvisation, giving more emphasis on his main instrument, the classical guitar, and the exploration of other stringed instruments such as tenor ukulele, fretless bass ukulele, fretless classical guitar, electric guitar, [d]ronin & ronin, stringed psalter, cello and baroque lute. 

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