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VOIDSEER - Immemorial Balearic Ascendant

VOIDSEER - Immemorial Balearic Ascendant

Voidseer is a One-Man – Ethnic- Epic- Dungeon synth project dedicated to literally conjuring shadowed soundscapes and evoking the ancient mystique of the forgotten lore of Gymnesis or B’aleh Ya’roh, as such was the name the ancient Greek and Carthaginians gave to the land my mortal self inhabits after a long series of reincarnations.

Voidseer is a sonic invocation to gods long forgotten and the spirits of my ancestors – now wandering on desolate battlegrounds.

Each composition was channeled from the sacred sands of time itself, drenched in the solemnity of sacrifice and the weight of mysticism, all it a shroud of awe and reverence. Voidseer draws upon the echoes of now long-lost ceremonies, prehistoric rituals of passage and the blood-soaked epics of my mighty ancestors whose name has been etched into the abyss of time.

With every channeling, I summon the haunted essence of self-harm blood rituals performed under moonlit skies and the relentless march of those who bore the burden of tradition. A full immersion into the dark lore that binds me to the past and the cryptic energies that linger still in every corner of our Islands.

Immemorial Balearic Ascendant

This EP collects the lucid visions and the telepathic messages received by the corporeal entity self-identified as Aghanazzar, formerly in the band Inferitvm, as forwarded from somewhere beyond the veil that separates the worlds or captured via genetic memories from its mighty ascendants as the curtain dims on certain Moons of the year. Immemorial Balearic Ascendant channels the cosmovision and the deep spiritual roots of my forebearers at the peak of their glory, from times as old as the word “ancient” loses all meaning, crafting an atmosphere that resounds with the rugged resilience and the ominous traditions of my forefathers, far before the first word was written and the first oven was lit, when Giants from another Age still walked among us. All you will hear here vibrates in my very soul, somber, layered with deep, droning synths that pulse like the heartbeat of bloody battles we long won, interrupted by sparse, echoing percussive elements that crack like the snap of our deadly slings or the pounding of feet on rocky terrain throughout the formidable ranges and the deep torrents of our Island. The war cries. The clashing of stone against bone, the bone chilling chants and blood and divinatory omens, praises for protection to gods long gone and vindication to the mighty rulers of our kingdom, above on the endless skies and on the words below.... From the other world, my guides stand as silent sentinels, stones gripped in calloused hands, eyes fixed on distant foes.
Voidseer is only accesible through it’s Bandcamp page.

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