CLEO T. - Des Forêts et des Rêves
Cleo T. (composer, vocalist) deploys a singular and avant garde work between alternative, cinematic and post-classical music. She has collaborated with big names like John Parish (PJ Harvey), Robert
Wyatt or for her latest album released in 2023 with Alex Somers (Sigur Ròs, Julianna Barwick). She collaborates on contemporary music projects (with the Ensemble Ars Nova), theatrical projects or cinema (Twin Peaks tribute/Dif Prod).
Her universe is conceived as a conceptual process in an immersive approach to the stage. Her performances are designed as experiences mixing music with poetic, narrative or visual devices. She works around an acoustic piano amplified like a dream pop guitar and the use of her soprano voice in ethereal choral sirens. Echo chambers, infinite delays draw dreamlike and ultra-sensitive soundscapes. A captivating and metaphysical journey through the Forest.
Des Forêts et des Rêves was initiated in 2021 as part of a cross-music and design residency at the Fondation Martell in Cognac. The musician’s ambition was to construct a hybrid musical score where poetry “composes” the music and where the music becomes a sensitive mass responding to an inner, emotional and spiritual process.
The instrumental piece (piano, voice, theremin) is accompanied by a poetic and musical protocol, both a collection of poems and a creative journal, showing not the finished object but the composition process. A way of putting the emphasis back on the laboratory of creation in an era that most often only focuses on deliverable content.
26.03 : SEVILLE @Institut Français ( Poetry Club)
27.03 : SEVILLE @Fundacion Très Culturas
05.05 : BERLIN @Instiutt Français ( community talk)
06.05 : BERLIN @hosek Contemporary Art
10.05 : ANGOULEME @Lieu Utile ( Poetry Club)
20.05 : MILAN @Santeria
22.05 : ROME @Teatro Delle Bellezze
06.06 : TALLINN @Fotografiska Museum
12.06 : HELSINKI @Institut Français ( Poetry Club)
00.06 : PARIS to be announced