Black Arches with Sexton Ming - Folly
The next release in our Black Hole Series is a special one – the debut release by Hastings band Black Arches called 'Folly', a collaboration with Medway artist Sexton Ming.
A deep, hypnotic journey into a world of dark psychedelia, one for the proper 'heads' out there.
Watch the video made by Kirsty Hockenhull for the first track to be revealed 'This is What Admin Does to You' here:
The journey that led to ‘Folly’ began in the dingy cellar of a wine bar in Hastings, where a gang of local aesthetes and bohemians had started a night of experimental performance art, spoken word and music by the name of Weird Shit. With musical inspiration coming from the gathering of freaks present, Black Arches formed initially as a freeform musical outlet for author and musician Gareth E. Rees’ spoken word extrapolations, later incorporating Matt Frost from his garage rock troupe The Dirty Contacts, and frequent collaborator James Weaver, to form a vehicle for wild experimentation and psychic abandon.
Given he was also a regular Weird Shit attendee, it was no surprise when Sexton Ming entered the picture. An uncompromising iconoclast whose creative tentacles have reached into some of the murkiest quarters of the last four decades of the UK underground from the Medway Scene to oblivion, he was soon appearing onstage with the band at a show supporting Gnod in St Leonards. Soon after that a perplexing but serendipitous chain of events took place, with demons conjured up via improvised sessions, poetic licence taken, dystopias chronicled, audio files gone awry, vocals overdubbed and laptops lost, Somehow amidst the sturm-und-drang ‘Folly’ was summoned in all its murky glory.
Yet for all the bleakness and malevolence of ‘Folly’, there’s wry humour to be found in the wreckage. As we embark on the second quarter of an uncertain century, just maybe this psychic travelogue is a dark prism to make sense of the chaos we confront.
The album is available to buy via this link below. All Black Hole Series LPs come on black vinyl with hand numbered obi strips. 'Folly' is ltd to only 250 copies.