Англійський Експрес / Past Simple / Holiday Making

Англійський Експрес / Past Simple / Holiday Making

У новому бонусному подкасті Вікторія та Герман нагадують, як використовується час Past Simple. З цього уроку ви дізнаєтеся, як поділитися своїми історіями англійською мовою, використовуючи минулий час.

Всім привіт. Ви слухаєте подкаст Англійський Експрес.

Сьогодні ми говоримо про минулий час.

Перше, що ми зазвичай вивчаємо в школах щодо Past Simple, це правильні та неправильні дієслова. Правильні дієслова – це ті, які не змінюють свою форму, минулий час утворюється за допомогою додавання закінчення -ed.

Правильні дієслова

  • Look - looked.
  • Cook - cooked.
  • Book - booked.
  • Like - liked.
  • Call - called.
  • Enjoy - enjoyed.
  • Live - lived.
  • Need - needed.
  • Rent - rented.
  • Want - wanted.

Неправильні дієслова

В англійській мові є також багато неправильних дієслів, у минулому часі вони змінюють форму:

  • Buy - bought.
  • See -saw.
  • Do - did.
  • Come - came.
  • Meet - met.
  • Speak - spoke.
  • Eat - ate.
  • Have - had.
  • Be - was / were (розповідаємо про стани).
  • I, he, she, it – was.
  • You, we, they – were.

to be hungry / thirsty / hot / cold / late / early / happy / sad / surprised / worried / sorry

I am hungry - I was hungry.

He is late - He was late. Was he late?

They are cold - They were cold. Were they cold?

We use did to make questions in the Past Simple:

Did you have a good time?

Did you had a good time?

Where did you go on holiday?

Where did you went on holiday?

We use did not (didn’t) to make negatives in the past simple:

We didn’t go to the cathedral.

We didn’t went to the cathedral.

I didn’t take my camera to the museum.

I didn’t took my camera to the museum.

Подкаст Англійський Експрес

Переходимо до діалогу. Ми поділимося історією двох людей, які розповідають про своє святкування. Під час прослуховування зосередьтеся на цих 3 питаннях:

  • What places did they see?
  • How did they move round the city?
  • Where did they stay?

Herman: Hey, you’re back! How was London?

Vika: It was awesome. We saw many iconic buildings, galleries, theatres, parks and canals, you can find everything there.

Herman: That’s great! Did you see any famous landmarks?

Vika: Sure, we saw the Tower Bridge, Big Ben, and Houses of Parliament – they were all stunning! It’s a shame we didn’t have any time left to see the famous Notting Hill with its coloured houses.

Herman: What about the transport? How did you guys travel round the city?

Vika: We only used the tube, to be honest. It’s fast and easy to get from A to B.

Herman: I suppose. What about the accommodation? Did you guys stay in a hotel?

Vika: Kind of. We decided to stay in a b&b.

Herman: What’s that?

Vika: It was like a hotel but smaller. Really quite traditional and with breakfast included which was really nice.

Herman: Sure, you must have been so tired after walking round the city.

Vika: You bet! Luckily, we hopped on the double decker bus so we could let ourselves rest and enjoy the panoramic view from its top floor. I must say, it was spectacular!

Herman: That really sounds like a great trip. Glad you guys had a good time!

Подкаст Англійський Експрес

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